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Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism (AS&AZ); both exist, regretfully, in the US. Whether as Jews, whether as Zionists, whether as both, we may encounter them one day. 

When an incident happens, we usually seek help; From Jewish organizations; from law enforcement agencies; from the government.  But mostly it is too little too late. 

So, how do we meet AS&AZ, on the ground, WHEN and WHERE it happens? how do we regain our feeling of safety without giving up or giving in?

Tactical Negotiation

Online, in real life, we want to stand our ground? Answer haters? Argue?
Fine. Let's stop stomping our feet and whining how evil Antisemites are. It looks bad on us and it's not helping.
There are simple and straightforward techniques to convey clear, effective, deescalating messages.
We learn them, we use them. We stand our ground and change the rules of engagement.


Non-Violent Resistance

And what if the bad guys are beyond talking?
What if all they want to do is scream and hate and hurt? Then we take out the big guns... And as hard as it is to believe, Non-Violent Resistance is the biggest gun in the field. It's not easy, it's not comfortable, it's not the popular choice. But it works, and hey, we're Jews. When have we ever been popular?

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Jewish Non Violent Resistance

Learn, Train, Change the rules of engagement

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