Why Non Violent Resistance?
It's pretty simple actually. Even with Antisemitism.
Two people our fighting, beating each other with their bare hands. One is Jewish, the other, an Antisemite.
The Jewish guy, being smart, understands that the other is bigger and stronger. He needs a game changer, otherwise he'll lose. He finds a stick with a sharp end and uses it to finish off the enemy. But somehow it doesn't stick (couldn't refuse the pun, sorry...). The other guy is not dead, and even if he is, he has brothers and cousins galore. They're not stupid and they now understand that sharp sticks can be used in battle. This has now turned from a fistfight into a stick-fight.
Well, there are more Antisemites then Jews and now they have sticks. Jews need a game changer. They now introduce the knife into the fight. Same story. Now its a knife-fight. And then a gun fight, and so on...
It's pretty obvious where all of this is going. We may not like it, but it doesn't mean it's wrong.
Every weapon we introduce into a battle, whether physical, verbal or mental, will eventually be turned against us. Unless we can completely annihilate our enemy and make sure he will never wield any kind of weapon again. Ever.
But enemies, even the weakest, can never be completely annihilated, and it's just a matter of time until they come back, armed with the weapons we taught them how to use. Don't believe it? Let's take a look. Jews have always been oppressed and persecuted. We often use this weapon in battle against Antisemites. "Stop oppressing us!" we say. "Haven't we suffered enough?" We did suffer enough, for sure, but it doesn't matter. Jew hatred has now rallied behind this new weapon. "Stop oppressing!" say the left-winged Antisemites "Haven't the Palestinians suffered enough?" and now we're fighting in the trenches, having to prove that the Jewish state is not the world's most horrible regime. So now we're the oppressors. We look for a game changer. "Look!" we yell "What the hell are you talking about?! Palestinians aren't a real people! They never existed!". Ten minutes later we're contending with accusations of not being a people, not having a right for self determination and so on. So we go for the big guns. "This is the Holocaust all over again!" we say, and guess what? We are now called Nazis. Is this starting to make sense or at least sound familiar? You can shout "victim blaming!" till you're blue in the face, but it it's true, and what's worse is the fact that it's been a long time since WE introduced new weapons into the battle. Nowadays we're mostly aping anti-Jewish or anti-Zionist tactics, trying to beat the bad guys in their own game. They smear, we smear; they victimize, we victimize; they claim ethnic cleansing, we claim ethnic cleansing, they do "research" we do "research"... How is that working for us?
"But you don't get it!" you shout, face purple with frustration. "We may sometimes use the same weapons but the CONTENT is different! We're right and they're wrong! We're the good guys!"
And as obtuse and oppositional as I am, I have to agree. I think we ARE the good guys. Not by a great margin but yes, I believe we're pretty okay; Jews, Israelis, Zionists; whatever you want to call us.
Problem is, it doesn't matter anymore.
Spend one day on twitter. Watch the news. Visit a university campus. Truth is officially dead. Nobody cares about it anymore, nobody can actually find it within the chaos that's raging all around us. Being the morally superior guys, those who stick to the truth and do the right thing? It's gone. It doesn't work anymore. It wasn't such a great weapon to begin with but now it's dead, buried and done with.
So yes, once again we come to the same place. We're in battle. We're losing.
And now some idiot tells us we can't use newer, stronger weapons. What the hell are we supposed to do now?